
Our Allotment - the starting point - year one

Our Allotment - the starting point - year one

We took on an allotment in 2018, shared with my family. It's something I'd been wanting to do for a while but I don't think I was quite prepared for how much work it is!!  There's a shed on the plot which is so handy, I'm so jealous of the ones with greenhouses though haha! Maybe one day!! Matthew has been busy edging the beds with bits of an old bed frame, it makes it look neater and hopefully keep some of the weeds at bay. We planted quite a lot of things from plants the first year since it took so long...

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Allotment Planning

Allotment Planning

Starting out on an allotment is a lot of work, we were lucky that our plot had already been started by my brother, sister in law and nephews, they'd dug over some of the beds the year before we joined in. Still it was a LOT of work and we threw ourselves right into it. We planned and researched a lot but of course you learn the most from experience as you go along. Planning what was going where was one of my favourite parts of the process. I found that a great way to plan the plot was on my...

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